A Voice For Working America

Bargaining Update - Idaho Albertsons: Union Stands Strong as Employers Propose Takeaways

On February 17th through February 21st, your Bargaining Committee held its second bargaining session.

Your Bargaining Committee made many more proposals throughout the week including standardization of language throughout the jurisdiction and improvements to: vacations, holidays, jury duty, required apparel including laundering, grievance procedures, bereavement leave, pension plan, weekly guarantee of hours, leaves of absence, and sick pay.

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Bargaining Update - Idaho Albertsons: Bargaining Opens with Proposals on Seniority Rights, Scheduling Practices

On Monday, February 10, and Tuesday, February 11, your Bargaining Committee began bargaining your Union contracts throughout our Union’s jurisdiction in Idaho, Wyoming, and Ontario, Oregon. Representatives from Albertsons received our initial bargaining proposals. With your Bargaining Committee’s focus on disparities between different contracts within our area, we presented the employer with proposals to address the following topics: We’ve reached

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Bargaining Update - Unity Retail: Fully Recommended Tentative Agreements Reached for Safeway, Albertsons, Carrs, Rosauers, & Sherms

UFCW Local 555 is excited to announce that fully recommended tentative agreements have been reached for all grocery and meat contracts with Albertsons, Safeway, Rosauers and Sherms in Oregon and Southwestern Washington. Meetings will be scheduled to address the warehouse portions of our Sherms contracts in the coming weeks.

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Over 90 Years

Of Fighting for Workers

30,000 Members

Of UFCW Local 555


Oregon, Idaho, & SW Washington

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